Formed.org (Website)
Formed.org is a FREE dynamic online platform with some of the best Catholic programs, videos, audio, movies, and e-books that explain the Catholic faith. To utilize this FREE online resource, click "Register" on the homepage and use STA parish code: e8fcc. You’ll find presenters like Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Scott Hahn, Bishop Robert Barron and a lot more. It truly is the Catholic faith - on demand.

Word on Fire (website)
Word on Fire is a great place to learn more about your faith. The blogs, articles, videos, and resources are eminently understandable but rich in their theology.

The Chastity Project (website)
The chastity project is the best place to learn about dating, Catholic teaching on sexuality, and Theology of the Body with all sorts of videos, blogs, and talks available online for free.

Catholic Stuff You Should Know (podcast)
Listen to four young priests discuss all topics Catholic and secular such as Saints, prayer, liturgy, original sin, cats, and the latest trends in clerical garb.