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Valentines Social

Intentional Friendships + God’s Grace = Meaningful Relationships

Here is the scoop!

We want to facilitate young practicing Catholics to pursue their next step in vocation discernment in a healthy environment. Please sign up to be invited to a social at a bar+restaurant near STA. This is not another bar scene with Catholic young adults but this is for Catholic young adults who are longing to be intentional with their time and conversations at a bar.

First, a few guidelines. The following 2 separate links are for men and women to sign up separately for this event. After you sign up, please stay tuned to be invited to the social, via an email which will include more details about the location and such. In a nutshell, you can freely move around at the social and get to know each other briefly. No this is not speed dating but this is an opportunity to know people in a Christ-centered-friendship-way and to be open to maybe more.

  1. Please signup to be invited to enjoy a free drink and hopefully buy more, to support a local Catholic business. First come first invited. Limited spots only.

  2. During your time, you will have the list of all the attendees of opposite sex. Your goal is to meet everyone in small group social conversations (just like our grandparents went dancing every weekend with friends), and jot down a few words about each person on your phone. Ex. Kind, witty, driven, simple, athletic, etc. Positive words only. No sentences.

  3. You must be open to going out with 2 - 3 people within a month that you will be setup with. We try to match as much as possible from your notes. So you must send it to us via email right after the event. Do not judge people solely by their looks or pickup lines or first impression practiced to impress. These dates will help you go past the first mask or surface knowledge about each other.

  4. This is to encourage people to experience what coffee dates should look like. Not too short, not too long, not too casual, not too serious, not too cheap, not too fancy. This is not an intense interview but to find the common ground. Even if there are no sparks, you will still have the opportunity to know someone from the community better. We all are called to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. You cannot do that unless you know them first. We believe that your friendships will be Christ centered, meaningful and grace filled after this event, regardless of there will be a ring in the picture next year or not.

  5. If there is more between you two, praise God. At the same time, you don’t go from a coffee date to the wedding in days. So, you take the first few weeks slowly for prayer, getting to know the other person more, and carefully discern further before having the DTR talk. In the meanwhile, you are encouraged to be open to others as God works in mysterious ways. As a participant of this event, you are expected to go on all the assigned dates. If you stand people up, you will not be invited to these future events. Respect is the key.

  6. Guard your heart and also the other’s. Be charitable, chaste, and Christian as you start sharing your life with others. Vulnerability is meant to be respected and to see God’s hand in it. The person you are spending time with is a child of God. You mess with their hearts, God will mess with you.

  7. Finally, have fun.

I’m sure you have more questions. Email us and we’ll try to clarify further. We will also spend some time at the social going over these guidelines and Q&A.

If you are a Catholic single man, please signup HERE

If you are a Catholic single woman, please signup HERE


Earlier Event: February 11
Valentines Social for Young Families
Later Event: February 19
Service Saturdays