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Thursday Night Speaker Series

  • 6306 Kenwood Ave. Dallas United States (map)

Dating - The Dance between Friendship and a Relationship

God designed us for each other. We long to follow His commandment to love one another, be fruitful, and to multiply. But does he/she like me? What if I jinx the friendship that we already have? How do I explore without looking desperate?

Join us to learn from the expert. Perhaps, some of Dr. Anne Lucchetti’s pointers will help you find the necessary depth that you are longing for in your relationship.

Speaker bio:
Anne E. Lucchetti, Ph.D., is an executive consultant for The Leath Group. Her 20 years of experience in university teaching (most recently at Texas Christian University and North Carolina State University), consulting, and training seminars covers such topics as Conflict Resolution, Group & Team Dynamics, Leadership, Interviewing, and Interpersonal Communication skills. Anne received her doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin with a research emphasis in Interpersonal & Organizational Communication, her master’s degree from Purdue University, and a psychology degree from Albion College.

Anne is very passionate about her work, but above all truly loves her work at St. Thomas Aquinas. Anne is on her 11th consecutive year teaching the Constructive Communication class for engaged couples.

Schedule for night:
5:00pm - Confessions at the Church
6:00pm - Dinner at the Upper School Cafeteria (bring your own food/drinks)
7:00pm - Gather in Upper School Drama Room
7:20pm - Presentation begins
8:45pm - Closing remarks and off to hang out at an unofficial gathering spot. Location TBD.

Earlier Event: February 5
Service Saturdays
Later Event: February 11
Valentines Social for Young Families