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Thursday Night Speaker Series with Diving Deeper Class

  • 6306 Kenwood Ave. Dallas United States (map)

Sacred Liturgy Series: Sacred Music

Join us for the final part of the Sacred Liturgy Series. Our speaker events are open to all young adults in their 20s and 30s.

Dr. Michael Conrady will be our guest speaker this month.

Michael Conrady serves our community in the role of “Organist and Choirmaster,” which is a time-honored title for parish Director of Music. As such, he directs the many activities of our parish’s music program and works to enhance the spiritual life of our parish through liturgies, concerts, and musical outreach. A native of Kansas and a fourth-generation Catholic organist, Dr. Conrady attended Baylor University for college, where he received a business degree. After a short career in business, he answered a call to full-time ministry and received master’s degrees from SMU in Theology, Sacred Music, and Organ Performance. In May of 2019, he completed the Doctor of Ministry degree from SMU in the field of liturgics, writing his doctoral thesis on the topic of medieval communion antiphons. In addition to his work at STA, Dr. Conrady finds time to concertize on the organ and serves on a number of boards and commissions related to music, liturgy, and theology. Recent professional engagements include presenting the Opening Hymn Festival at the 2019 annual convention of the Hymn Society of United States and Canada, am appointment to the Dallas Diocesan Commission on Sacred Spaces, and a recent appointment as adjunct professor of Sacred Music at UNT.

Schedule for night:
5:00-6:00 - Confessions
6:15pm - Mass
7:00pm - Gather in Upper School Drama Room
7:20pm - Talk begins
8:45pm - Head to unofficial gathering spot. Location TBD.

After the night, we will have a short Diving Deeper Class for those that are interested in learning more about the community of STA Young Adults. To sign up and learn more, click here.

Upper School Map-05.jpg
Earlier Event: February 4
Pange Língua: A Night of Worship
Later Event: February 9
Week of Dinner Groups