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Thursday Night Speaker Series

  • 6306 Kenwood Ave. Dallas United States (map)

Why Should Christians Study Philosophy?

Join us for our last Speaker Series of the semester. Dr. Monty De La Torre will be our guest presenter.

In his article, "Why Should Christians Study Philosophy?", Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. argues that the study of philosophy is crucial for understanding and strengthening our love of God and the Catholic faith. In the following talk, we will be discussing Fr. White's treatment of philosophy and its special role in the Catholic Church, and the meaningful role it can have in our lives.  

Dr. Monty De La Torre is currently an associate professor of philosophy at Collin College and Tarrant County College. He holds a PhD in philosophy from Australian Catholic University, an M.A. in Theology from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College, a B.A. in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Leuven, and a B.A. in Music from La Sierra University. He wrote his PhD dissertation on St. Thomas Aquinas’ Fourth Way. Dr. De La Torre is passionate about intellectual formation and sharing his knowledge with others.

Schedule for night:
5:00-6:00 - Confessions
6:15pm - Mass
7:00pm - Gather in Upper School Drama Room
7:20pm - Talk begins
8:45pm - Head to unofficial gathering spot
Location TBD.

Upper School Map-05.jpg
Earlier Event: May 2
Social at Oak Highlands Brewery
Later Event: May 16
Lecture Series