"The World is Thy Ship: How to ride the sailboat, snailboat, and failboat"
Have you ever said anything to God akin to, “Look, I’ll do whatever you want. JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO!”? Katie Erskine is a Maryland transplant, who moved to Dallas this summer, because she is absolutely certain… well, believes with confidence… I mean, sometimes is unsure… that God told her to. Previous to her move, Katie worked as a Youth & Young Adult Minister for 5 years and now works for the Diocese of Dallas in the Office of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry. She is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that God has a meaningful and fulfilling plan for every single person. Sometimes it’s smooth sailing, and most often, it’s not.
Schedule for night:
5:00-6:00 - Confessions
6:15pm - Mass
7:00pm - Gather in Drama Room
7:20pm - Talk begins
8:45pm - Head to unofficial gathering spot
Location TBD.