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Thursday Night

  • 6306 Kenwood Avenue Dallas, TX, 75214 United States (map)

2017 Fall Kickoff: Who do you think you are? - Intro/Chosen

New Schedule for Kickoff
We have changed the time for our kickoff due to the Holy Hour that is taking place across the state of Texas for all Hurricane Harvey victims. The Holy Hour begins at 7:00pm following the 6:15pm Mass in the church. Our talk will begin at 7:30pm in the Drama Room.

Join us for our Fall kickoff as we head into a new season of growing together towards Christ through a community that lives, loves, and shares life in the Eucharistic-Christ. This season will bring about more conversation through focused Bible study lessons each week that will correspond with the weekly Gospel. We are excited for this brand new year that God has called us to live, love and serve him!

In this week we will lay the foundation for the series, "Who do you think you are?". What we do flows from who we think we are. Our actions flow from our sense of identity therefore it is very important that we understand our identity. 

Unless specified, we will meet every Thursday in the Upper School Drama Room as shown on the map below. 

Upper School Map-05.jpg
Earlier Event: September 5
Pange Língua: A Night of Worship
Later Event: September 14
Thursday Night